Psychoanalysts at Work: Selected Papers of Arnold D. Richards Volume 3


 PSYCHOANALYSTS AT WORK: More Selected papers by Arnold D. Richards Volume III Table Of Contents
An Appreciation: Arnold D. Richards, M.D.—A Man for All Seasons  Judith Logue
Introduction: Arthur A. Lynch
Section 1 Antecedents
1. Jacob A. Arlow (1912–2004) (with S.M. Goodman)
2. Symposium: The Clinical Value of the Concepts of Conflict and Compromise Formation
3. Technical Consequences of Object Relations Theory
4. “Afterword” from The Rangell Reader
Section 2. Views on Clinical Data
5. The Narcissistic Patient
6. The Replacement Child
7. Isakower-Like Experience on the Couch: A Contribution to the Psychoanalytic Understanding of Regressive Ego Phenomena
8. Self-Mutilation and Father-Daughter
Section 3. Views on Clinical Theory
9. The Evolution Drive in Contemporary Psychoanalysis: A Reply to Gill (with J. Bachant and A.A. Lynch)
10. Commentary on Reisner’s reclaiming the metapsychology. With J. Bachant, and A.A. Lynch)
11. Psychoanalytic Theories of the Self (with E.A. Ticho)
12. Unconscious Fantasy: An Introduction to the Work of Jacob A. Arlow, M.D., and to the Symposium in His Honor
13. The Human Core. The Intrapsychic Base of Behavior
14. Practice and Precept in Psychoanalytic Technique
15. A Review of The Second Century of Psychoanalysis: Evolving Perspectives on Therapeutic Action, edited by Michael J. Diamond and Christopher Christian
Section 4. Views and Reviews
16. The Revolutionary Ascetic. Evolution of a Political Type By Bruce Mazlish
17. Psychotherapy of the Borderline Adult. A Developmental Approach By James F. Masterson
18. Forty-Two Lives in Treatment. A Study of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy by Robert S. Wallerstein
19.  Psychoanalytic Treatment: An Intersubjective Approach  by Robert D. Stolorow and Bernard Brandchaft.  (A Review by Arnold D. Richards)
Section 5. Conclusion
20. Politics and Paradigms

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