The Analyst as Storyteller / El Analista como Narrador
Edited by Cordelia Schmidt-Hellerau


ISBN: 978-1-949093-82-7

30 stories in their original languages as well as in English and Spanish
30 historias en sus idiomas originales, así como en inglés y español

Thirty analysts from all over the world tell a story. They invite us, the readers, to travel with their narratives to places close by and faraway, in the past, present and future, remembered, experienced, and imagined. Engaging in their stories we will recreate the worlds these authors have sketched to be unfolded within our own minds. These stories – all winners of a short story competition, called for by the Culture Committee of The International Psychoanalytic Association – are surprising, moving, and thought provoking. They linger in the mysterious space where fiction and reality merge and our own creativity starts to blossom.
Cordelia Schmidt-Hellerau, Editor and Chair of the IPA in Culture Committee

Treinta analistas de todo el mundo cuentan una historia. Nos invitan a viajar con sus relatos a lugares cercanos y lejanos, en el pasado, el presente y el futuro, recordados, experimentados e imaginados. Al adentrarnos en sus narraciones, recrearemos los mundos que estos autores han esbozado para que se desplieguen en nuestras propias mentes. Estos relatos – todos ellos ganadores de un concurso de cuentos, convocado por el Comité de Cultura de la Asociación Psicoanalítica Internacional – son sorprendentes, conmovedores, y provocadores de la reflexión. Permanecen en el misterioso espacio donde la ficción y la realidad se funden y nuestra propia creatividad comienza a florecer.
Cordelia Schmidt-Hellerau, editora y presidenta de la Comisión de Cultura de la IPA

The Editor:
Cordelia  Schmidt-Hellerau is a Training and Supervising Analyst at the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute and the Swiss Psychoanalytic Society. She has published papers and books on theoretical, clinical and applied psychoanalysis as well as two novels, Rousseaus Traum (2019, Tredition) and Memory’s Eyes (2020, IPBooks). Her book Driven to Survive (2018, IPBooks) was a finalist of the American Board & Academy of Psychoanalysis Book Prize. She is the Chair of the IPA in Culture Committee and works in private practice in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts.

Cordelia Schmidt-Hellerau es analista formadora y supervisora en la Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute y en la Sociedad Psicoanalítica Suiza. Ha publicado artículos y libros sobre psicoanálisis teórico, clínico y aplicado, así como dos novelas, Rousseaus Traum (2019, Tredition) y Memory’s Eyes (2020, IPBooks). Su libro Driven to Survive (2018, IPBooks) fue finalista del American Board & Academy of Psychoanalysis Book Prize. Es la presidenta del Comité de Cultura de la IPA y trabaja en una consulta privada en Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts.

Click Here to Purchase: The Analyst as Storyteller/ El Analista Como Narrador eBook from Amazon Kindle.

Click Here to Read:  Review of The Analyst as Storyteller/ El Analista Como Narrador by Jeffrey Berman.

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