Psychoanalysis Enters the Political Fray: OpEd Articles and Blogs of Peter Wolson Ph.D.
ISBN: 978-1-949093-14-8
Praise for Psychoanalysis Enters the Political Fray: OpEd Articles and Blogs of Peter Wolson Ph.D.:
Peter Wolson has been a pioneer and is now a master in looking at political characters and issues with a psychoanalytic perspective. He courageously goes into a new important area in the psychoanalytic exploration of human reality, and starts a potentially revolutionary contribution of our science to the community, culture and life.
Stefano Bolognini
Past-President of the International Psychoanalytical Association
In Peter Wolson we find a remarkable voice writing Op-Eds and now blogging with a spirit that is unparalleled. This volume contains all of those writings and to read them is to ride a very special train of thought within a highly discerning and creative voice in the American grain.
Christopher Bollas
Author of Meaning and Melancholia: Life in the Age of Bewilderment
This book examines the psychology of American political leaders and electorates of recent decades while providing information about human nature. It also includes explanations of disturbing public issues such as gun violence and child molestation. The reader will find this book very thought provoking and timely.
Vamik Volkan, Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry, University of Virginia and the author of Enemies on the Couch: A Psychopolitical Journey Through War and Peace.
American psychoanalysts have rarely entered the fray, but Peter Wolson demonstrates that psychoanalysis is crucial to understanding the world of politics. He brilliantly analyzes and provides possible solutions to issues that have long bewildered politicians. This book is a must read!
Steven J. Ellman, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus, City University of NY
In these fascinating chapters, Dr. Wolson resuscitates an old tradition by sharing with the public his psychoanalytic reflections on critical issues in contemporary society His writing is clear, compelling and exhibits a high level of sophistication and political awareness. This compilation is well worth the read.
—Daniel Benveniste