Available for Preorder: Conversations: Selected Papers of Arnold D. Richards Volume 6


Dr. Arnold Richards is a towering figure in psychoanalysis: a consummate clinician, revered educator, prolific author, legendary editor, and original thinker. Volume 6 of his selected papers cull these distinguishing contributions to the field with interviews, book reviews, commentaries and autobiography. As psychoanalysis is rooted in dialogue—listening and speaking—this volume is aptly based in conversations: sometimes Dr. Richards is the interviewer or interviewee, sometimes a reviewer or reviewee. This makes for an exceptional volume that is both conversational and true to life. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in learning about this exceptional psychoanalyst and his work.”

—Ahron Friedberg, MD, LP, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Mount Sinai;
author, Faces of Love: Life Studies in Psychoanalysis


“I’ve been fascinated by Arnold Richards’s collected papers and memoir since the beginning. He was an influential presence in the history of both the “orthodox” American Psychoanalytic Associations, and the heretical ones. Equally fascinating and enviable are his personal reminiscences of encounters with other psychoanalysts. I am particularly fond that Dr. Richards also wrote about two men whom I myself admired and learned from: Otto Isakower, my beloved teacher, and Aldous Huxley, one of the literary greats.”

—Henry Zvi Lothane, MD, Board-certified psychiatrist; Clinical Professor of Psychiatry,
Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai; Life Fellow ApsA, Member, IPA

Arnold Richards, MD was Editor of JAPA from 1994 to 2003 and, prior to that, Editor of TAP. He is a member of the Contemporary Freudian Society and an honorary member of the American Institute for Psychoanalysis. He had previously published a series of five volumes of his selected papers Volume I: Psychoanalysis: Critical Conversations, Volume 2: Psychoanalysis: Perspectives on Thought Collectives, Volume 3: The Psychoanalyst at Work, Volume 4: The Peripatetic Psychoanalyst, and Volume 5: The World of Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalysts, and now this volume, as number 6. He has also published a memoir, Unorthodox: My Life in Psychoanalysis, and has co-edited four books. He is the Editor-in-Chief of of internationalpsychoanalysis.net as well as IPBooks.

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