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× Everydayflowerscover5 Everyday Flowers by Kalpana Asok $15.95
× On and Off the Couch by Beverly Kolsky On and Off the Couch: Memoir of a Psychoanalyst by Beverly Kolsky $25.95
× Driventosurvivewebsite Driven to Survive by Cordelia Schmidt-Hellerau $35.00
× Gargiulocaughtbythewind Cover3 Caught by the Wind by Gerald J. Gargiulo $15.50
× Arnold Richards Selected Papers Volume 2 Psychoanalysis: Perspectives on Thought Collectives: More Selected papers by Arnold Richards Volume 2 $35.00
× Whattheybringcover1 What They Bring: The Poetry of Migration and Immigration edited by Irene Willis and Jim Haba $19.95
× Front Cover Fibrinogen Memoirs Fibrinogen Memoirs: Journeys of a Clot Doctor by Michael W. Mosesson $29.95
× Scary Old Sex by Arlene Heyman Scary Old Sex by Arlene Heyman $19.95
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A Psychoanalytical, Psychoneurological
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New Game, Myth, Philosophical
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by Kenneth Bruce Van Gross, M.D.
× Spaldeen- Poems by Henry M. Seiden Spaldeen: Poems by Henry M. Seiden $16.95
× Praise for: Wave into Wave Light into Light: Poems and Places by George Northrup One of the pleasures of reading George Northrup’s new book is the recognition that the world really has become smaller. A child studying a map of the continents and oceans asks, “Don’t they know it’s all connected?” Northrup describes landscapes I’ve never visited, such as Tuscany and the Left Bank, and illumines landmarks I am familiar with, like Central Park and the Seaview Resort in Galloway. Instead of photographs or postcards, these poems are addressed to some need inside me, each of them saying, “Dear Reader,” each of them saying, “Wish you were here.” ~Peter E. Murphy Founder, Murphy Writing Of Stockton University Northrup embraces time, natural landscapes, and humanity in a deep stilling wonderment and calm acceptance. He illumines our deepest human connections and our need to cherish them. “No one feels a stranger here/ or out of place,” he writes. “What speaks is utterly hushed./ What thinks eludes conception./ And what falls into the ages—pauses here—/ glad for a place like this.” ~Gayl Teller Nassau County (NY) Poet Laureate, 2009-11 Walt Whitman Birthplace Association Poet of the Year, 2016 Wave into Wave Light into Light: Poems and Places by George Northrup $15.95
× Climate of Opinion: Sigmund Freud in Poetry Edited and With an Introduction by Irene Willis Climate of Opinion: Sigmund Freud in Poetry Edited and With an Introduction by Irene Willis $19.95
× benveniste freud book The Interwoven Lives of Sigmund, Anna and W. Ernest Freud by Daniel Benveniste $44.20
× Brok Chaplin Cover 2 Play, illusion, Reality, and Trauma: What Can a Psychoanalyst Learn from Charlie Chaplin? by Albert J. Brok, PhD, CGP $24.95
× How I Became a Psychologist: Poems by Heny Seiden How I Became a Psychologist: Poems by Henry Seiden $12.95