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× Traveling On: 50 Years of Poetry and Sculpture by Michael Robbins $15.95
× Standing in the Chaos: Poems by Howard F. Stein $15.95
× Survival Skills Foltz Cover 4 01 Survival Skills: Norway, Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust: A Family Story by Anne-Marie Foltz $25.95
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× Facetoface Front Cover Face to Face: Interviews with Leo Rangell, Arnold Richards, and Estelle Weldon Interviewed by Moises Lemlij $35.00
× The World of Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalysts: The Selected Papers of Arnold D. Richards, Volume 5 $35.00
× Through a Screen Darkly: Psychoanalytic Reflections During the Pandemic by Ahron Friedberg and Sandra Sherman $25.00
× Up Close and Personal: The Poems and Photographs of Arnold David Richards $25.95
× Towards Happiness―A Psychoanalytic Approach to Finding Your Way by Ahron Friedberg and Sandra Sherman $25.00
× Front Cover Fibrinogen Memoirs Fibrinogen Memoirs: Journeys of a Clot Doctor by Michael W. Mosesson $29.95
× Tales From The Unconscious Gibson Cover 4 01 Tales from the Unconscious by Christopher Gibson $25.95
× Becoming the Person I Was Meant To Be: A memoir of a patient’s successful psychoanalysis by H. Penny Mishkin $24.95
× Gross 2 Final Front Cover Primal Sports II:
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by Kenneth Bruce Van Gross, M.D.
× Silvermanvolume1cover 01 Psychoanalysis Through the Life Cycle: Selected Papers of Martin Silverman Volume 1 $35.00
× Richardsvolume 4 01 The Peripatetic Psychoanalyst: Selected Papers of Arnold D. Richards Volume 4 $35.00
× Reichbartcodsearringcover2 Curious Stories of Diverse Places: The Cod’s Earring, The Click of The Reindeer, and Other Adventures and Even Some Poems by Richard Reichbart $19.95
× Climate of Opinion: Sigmund Freud in Poetry Edited and With an Introduction by Irene Willis Climate of Opinion: Sigmund Freud in Poetry Edited and With an Introduction by Irene Willis $19.95
× Buckley Madness And Creativity Cover 1 01 Madness and Creativity by Peter J. Buckley $30.00
× Willem de Kooning’s Women: A Psychoanalytic Exploration by Graeme Taylor $30.00
× Another Look: Photography and Poems of Arnold David Richards $25.95
× The Psychopathology of Everyday Life: Poems by Linda A. W. Brakel $15.95
× Aliya, The Girl From Ukraine by Jaime Grunfeld $17.99

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