Standing in the Chaos: Poems by Howard F. Stein


Standing in the Chaos is a book of wise, humane and deeply felt poems. Howard F. Stein doesn’t shy away from what, in another era, might be called political, but in our world today are really existential.

Stylistically direct, some might even be called prose/poems, but all are informed by his deep faith. We learn from his Introduction that he understands his own poems better than even the best reader, but you will be the judge of that.
–Irene Willis, Poetry Editor, IPBooks

Howard F. Stein, an applied, psychoanalytic, medical, and organizational anthropologist, psychohistorian, and organizational consultant as well as poet, is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK, USA, where he taught for nearly 35 years. Author, co-author, and editor of 35 books, he has written and published ten books and chapbooks of poetry, the most recent of which are Presence – Poems from Ghost Ranch (NM) (2020), Centre and Circumference (2018), and Light and Shadow (2018). He has published over 250 poems in print and on-line literary journals. He is Frequent Contributor to Songs of Eretz Poetry Review, and is Poet Laureate of the High Plains Society for Applied Anthropology, and Psychohistorical Poet Laureate. He and Seth Allcorn have co-created a book of poetry, called Whiteboardings, published in 2023. He can be reached at

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